Services & Conditions
Thyroid Conditions
The thyroid hormone controls how our bodies use and store energy. There are many different types of conditions that can be easily diagnosed.
Hyperthyroidism, also known as overactive thyroid, which can be caused by Grave’s Disease (autoimmune), Thyroiditis, or drug induced. Patients usually have palpitation, nervousness, weight loss, protrusion of eyes, or can experience tremors.
Hypothyroidism, or under active thyroid, which can be caused by Hashimottoe’s (autoimmune), Thyroiditis, or drug induced. Patients usually experience low energy, weight gain, feeling cold, and constipation.
Thyroid nodules, recognized by a lump or growth in the neck, are usually benign but should be examined as they may become overactive or, in some cases, may become cancerous.
Pregnancy Thyroid conditions must be treated promptly to prevent maternal and fetal complications.
Weight Management
Weight gain or obesity, usually due to a decrease in the body’s metabolism, could be the result of one or multiple hormonal disorders. Besides diet and exercise, additional treatment options may include prescription medicine or bariatric surgery. Dr. Alyeshmerni has had success with patients using Ozempic and Semaglutide. Learn more here.
Men's Health
Men’s Health includes diagnosis of low testosterone (LOW T), erectile dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation and Infertility. There are multiple treatment options for all the conditions
Diabetes is a medical condition that occurs when the body cannot process sugar. This can lead to an increase in blood sugar which may cause an increase in appetite, thirst, and urination. The aim of the treatment is to prevent damage to eyes, kidneys, and lower extremities.
Diabetes Type 1 is due to lack of Insulin which is needed to transfer sugar into the cells throughout our body. The sugar builds up in blood, which attacks multiple organs
Diabetes Type 2 is due to decreases in insulin or a lack of cellular response to insulin.
Pituitary Disorders
The Pituitary, also called Master Gland, controls many hormone producing glands in the body. Simple testing and imaging can help diagnosis a patient.
Over-production of hormones e.g.( Acromegaly, Prolactinoma, Cushing) can be treated with medicine or surgery
Under-production (Hypopituitarism) is a lack of hormone production and can be treated with multiple hormonal supplements.
Pituitary Tumors may be the cause of symptoms including decreased vision, tiredness, diabetes, galactorrhea, acral growth, and can be diagnosed by hormonal tests and imaging.
Adrenal Disorders
Adrenal Disorders are when the body over or under produces hormones and can lead to Addison disease ( low Cortisone), Hyperaldostronism ( high blood pressure) or adrenal Cancer.
Hair Loss and Hirsutism
Hair Loss and Hirsutism can have multiple root causes which can easily be tested and treated with various medications
The Parathyroid consists of 4 glands embedded in the thyroid gland in the neck. Calcium Disorders Can be caused by Over/Under production of Parathyroid hormone and lead to high or low levels of Calcium in blood. These abnormalities may lead to Kidney stone, fragile bones, or osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a disorder of the bone usually caused by a Decrease in Estrogen in postmenopausal female, Low Testosterone male or patients in long term treatment with Steroids. This may lead to fragile or Fractured bones. There are multiple effective treatments available.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS) can lead to weight gain, Hirsutism, acne, Diabetes Mellitus and Infertility in females. This condition includes an increase in androgen and menstrual irregularities in women.
Post Menopausal Syndrome
Post Menopausal Syndrome is a Lack of Estrogen in women and leads to hot flushes, increased sweating, and bone fragility. There are hormonal and non-hormonal treatments available.